The Village 内に私たちの作品を展示販売する「Shop + Gallery」を設けています。
越畑で活動するメンバーの新作や、The Village限定で販売している作品を実際に手に取っていただけます。日々手を動かしている、ここ越畑で作品を見ていただくことは、私たちが大切にしている暮らしと手仕事、そして作品が出来上がる背景にも触れてもらえる時間です。
Gallery and Shop,
We also have gallery and shop in the Village.
However as we run the studio and gallery with small number of stuff,
we ask you to reserve the date and time in advance to visit us.
You could see our work of textiles at the gallery as well as the place where we work and live in Koshihata.
You could find our newly produced work and some limited work we only sell at the gallery and shop.
We also open the studio and part of home where we display some textiles collected in and out of Japan.
You can enjoy the feel of textile not only to watch but also handling the materials.
We welcome the tour of groups from overseas as well.
Please feel free to contact us.