始まりは、1982年 冨田潤が制作の場を求めて越畑に移り住んだこと。
修行を終えて独立し、ものづくりの道で共に歩む仲間が増えた今、染織でつながりながら暮らしを創造していく集合体として The Village と名づけ活動をはじめます。
It all started in 1982 when I,Jun Tomita moved to Koshihata in search of a place for his work. Life in Koshihata began with the idea of doing weaving while gradually modifying the old farm house.Shortly thereafter the glasshouse where cyclamen were grown was renovated as a textile workshop. Since then more than 30 assistants completing their training here in Koshihata.
I have lived in Koshihata with the desire to convey to the assistants not only the dyeing and weaving techniques but also the importance of living. I think that each of them returned their own place with the art of living in nature in their hearts.
After completing the training and taking the opportunity of indeppendence,now that some friends have set up a workshop and residence in Koshihata. We will start a activity called The Village as a group that creates the life while connecting with dyeing and weaving.